Wednesday 12 August 2015

Your Daily Dose of Positivity

Hello Everyone!

It's been awhile since I have written a post and I'm going to be honest I did hit a rough patch where I lost inspiration to blog. However I've picked myself up and I'm back.
So a lot of you have asked me how I always seem to be so positive and happy all the time, now I just want to throw out there that, I'm not always happy 24/7, I do have my days where I get a bit down and all I want to do is stay in bed and watch Disney movies.
But, I feel like I should share with you all that living a positive life is really good and for those of you who might have insecurities and not be so happy with the way things are in your life at the moment, I'm here to give a little bit of advice.

Firstly, for me I feel happy if I like what I'm wearing. If I feel comfortable in my outfit then, I know I'm going to have a fantastic day ahead. But, before even deciding on what to wear, the moment you wake up, smile. Because, smiling honestly is the easiest way to feel happy, look you've woken up and have another day to enjoy life, how lucky are you!
I'm not the richest person in the world, I do work long hours as a waitress which is also why I find it hard to find time to blog. However, I love my job (of course I won't do it forever) but as an experience, I really enjoy it. As well as I've got college work to balance out so it can all get a bit stressful at times but the best thing to do is to remain positive and say 'I can do it!'.
Also, don't hang around people who bring your positive vibe down with their negative energy, surround yourself with people who will make you laugh, happy and drive you to reach your goals.
Sleep is also known to help with feeling positive, if you have a good night sleep (7-9 hours) you'll wake up feeling fresh and energise to tackle the challenges ahead of you.
And finally, make the best out of a negative situation, I complain/moan a lot but I've learnt that complaining doesn't get you anywhere, if you have a problem come up with a solution if you can't just let it be, it will pass. Do not work yourself up over something, just remember to think positive thoughts and remain cool. 

Now look I'm not an expert on all this, but I found these things work for me and I feel like it could work for you guys too!

Check out my Instagram and give it a follow!

Love you all 



Top: American Eagle
Plaid Top: H&M
Jeans: Topshop
Sandals: Primark 
Sunglasses: Cotton On

Grey Top: H&M
Denim Jacket: Cotton On
Jeggings: H&M
Bag: Michael Kors
Sunglasses: Cotton On 

Wednesday 15 July 2015

I'm Not A Model!

Hello Everyone,

So its been a while since I last wrote a post and I have not only been super busy but I've also been struggling to find topics to talk about. 
Don't worry though, because over the past few days I have planned projects and outfits, that will be showcased on my blog over the next few weeks to keep you all entertained! 

Last week though, I had my first photo-shoot with Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) since winning the competition back in April, for a car service advert. Now lots of people have been asking me over the past few months since I won the competition if I'm a model. Now, I want to make it clear that I'm really not. Although I would love to be one it's just not something I'm not that passionate about. 
Of course I follow models on social media such as Kate Moss, Cara Delevingne, Kendell Jenner, Miranda Kerr etc. All these women are professional models and even though their job can look glamorous and enjoyable, its honestly something I've never wanted to do as a full time career.

People always ask why, and it's because I'm not the tallest person and I prefer just doing fun amateur shoots because they aren't as stressful. 
Although I have had a little bit of experience when it comes to being in front of the camera in a studio, which is why I decided to do a post for all of you out there, who are just starting out as models (whether its freelancing or you've joined an agency or you have just been asked to do a shoot as a favour) whatever the reason maybe, I've come up with a few tips to help you out if you've never done anything like it before:
(You don't have to follow or agree to them, this is just my personal opinion)

1. Show up to shoot with a nice clean and makeup free face, clean shaven and clean hair.
2. Practice your poses and faces the night before.
3. Wear comfy clothes to the shoot and be on time. 
4. Bring water and a few snacks, shoots can make you very hungry.
5. When the shoot begins, do not slouch; it's important to have good posture.
6. If you don't necessarily like what they've done to your hair or make up, then just forget its all there the photos will still turn out fantastic.
7. Do not do the same pose over and over again, mix it up!
8. Don't be too tensed, relax and just go with it! 
9. Be confident but not cocky. You want to leave a good lasting impression on the photographer/whoever hired you. 
10. Finally, don't be nervous. The best trait that the photographer would love to see more of, is just you being yourself and having fun with all of it.

So there we have it just a few tips and tricks on how to go about doing your first ever photo shoot! 
To check out a few visuals from my photo shoot head over to my Instagram, I'm not a model remember guys, I just do it because it's fun! 

Have a great long weekend ahead and Selmat Hari Raya to all my Muslim readers! 



Thursday 21 May 2015

Wear Green for Sarcoma Awareness

Hello Everyone!
So today is 'Wear Green For Sarcoma Awareness' and I have decided to take part in it, and I want all of you too as well. Not only because on the Kick Sarcoma Ambassadors is my very good friends but, I believe that this cancer definitely needs more attention!

For all those reading this who do not know what Sarcoma Cancer is here is the link to the Kick Sarcoma Official Website where you can read more about it, donate and even become a volunteer.

An additionally brand to the charity Kick Sarcoma is 'Crutch4Sarcoma' which is run by two amazing people Dominique Schell and Lachlan Cameron. Lachlan is a 20 year old student at Melbourne University and he has decided to run a Marathon on crutches to help raise money and awareness for Sarcoma. If you would like to donate, go ahead and like their Facebook Page for more info.

So what I want the readers of petitecanvas to do is wear something green and post it on either the Crutch4Sarcoma Facebook Page or the Wear Green for Sarcoma Page.
Check out my Instagram and Facebook for more information.

Dress - Macy's (USA)
Shoes - Cotton On
Bag - Michael Kors
Belt - Topshop

Please share, like and spread the word.
Use the hashtags '#kicksarcoma' '#dontforget' '#crutch4sarcoma' on social media platforms so I can check out all your outfits!

Have an amazing weekend everyone!




Sunday 3 May 2015

SPH Car Ambassador 2015

Hello Everyone!

This post is not really going to be about my outfit of the day/night, its going to be more of what happened to me last weekend. So for those of you who don't follow me on my personal or petite-canvas Instagram you may not know, that I won a competition to be Singapore's Press Holding Car Ambassador 2015.

My journey began when my mum spotted the ad in the paper and said 'there's not height requirement, you should give it a try'. So I did. I managed to get through the auditions and was in the Semi - Finals. I had my first photo shoot with Mazda and Volkswagen, which came out in the Straits Times. Then amazingly I got into the Finals and we had to answer two questions: one of them being 'What is your best trait and how will you use it in this pageant?' My answer was simple: 'My determination, because whenever anyone tells me I can't do something, my immediate reaction would be to prove them wrong and show them, that I can do it'. The final question was 'If you could drive any car away today, what car would it be and why?' I chose the Nissan 350z because its got a gorgeous interior and custom body kit. It was actually Nissan's first sports car and I love the colour black on a car because like Karl Lagerfeld always says 'One is never over or under dressed in a little black dress' and its the same with cars.'

After all that, judges deliberated and what then came to my surprise was I had won my first ever beauty pageant competition - additionally being the youngest contender to ever win this competition. Even though its been a week since it all happened I still have butterflies thinking about it.

I received $50,000 worth of prizes, I shall be posting some of them up on my Instagram so head over there to check them out. Petitecanvas Some of the prizes included, an MBA at TEG International College worth $16,800, $722 worth of HABA Make Up, a Powershot G7x Canon Camera worth $799 and a 3D2N Cruise on StarCruises worth $2040 and many more.

I am so thankful for everyone who came down to the event, & supported me throughout the whole competition, I can't thank you all enough. I'm very excited to see what the rest of the year holds for me and to face all the new challenges up ahead.

Here are some photos from the event last week!

- Wearing Puma in all the photos -